“Stress management systems usually aim at reducing stress, an unrealistic goal for most of us. This book shows you how to toughen up so that you can handle more stress and be healthier, happier, and more productive.
‘Tough’ takes on a new meaning in these pages. Not James Dean squinting over cigarette smoke, not street punks in black leather, but nice guys and gals who know how to lead happy, productive, healthy lives.
Toughness Training for Life is a system of thinking, feeling, doing, and living that offers practical ways to solve some of life’s most challenging problems. It represents a new generation of thought.”
~ Jim Loehr from Toughness Training for Life
Jim Loehr tells us that cultivating our toughness is the essence of creating healthier, happier and more productive lives. And, in this great, old-school book (written in 1993), he shows us how to go about doing that.
This is the third Note we’ve done on Loehr and his work. Check out our Notes on The Power of Full Engagement and The New Toughness Training for Sports for more goodness.
The underlying theme to all of the books?
In short: The fact that if we want to maximize our potential, we need to “make waves” in our lives by deliberately oscillating between stress and recovery. Doing that wisely on our physical, mental and emotional planes is how we forge toughness. (← Powerful stuff!)
Let’s jump in and take a quick look at a few of my favorite Big Ideas on how to do that!
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