“Between the two of us, Phil and I have sixty years of psychotherapy experience. Based on this experience, we’ve identified four fundamental problems that keep people from living the lives they want to live. How much happiness and satisfaction you get out of life will depend on how well you can free yourself from those problems. Each of the next four chapters addresses one of these. Each chapter also provides you with the tool that works most effectively on that problem. We’ll explain how the tool connects you to a higher force—and we’ll explain how that force solves your problem. …
The health of our society depends on the efforts of each individual. Every time one of us gains access to higher forces, all of us benefit. That places a special responsibility on those who know how to use the tools. They become the first to bring higher forces to the rest of the society. They are pioneers, building a new, reinvigorated community. I wake up every morning grateful that higher forces are there. They never stop revealing themselves in new ways. Through this book we share their magic with you. We’re excited about the journey you’re about to undertake.”
~ Phil Stutz & Barry Michels from The Tools
The Tools was the best book I read in 2012. Easily.
I immediately bought copies for everyone on our team, paid them to take the time to read it and even set up a book discussion group to walk through the goodness. I just love it and think you will as well.
You can get the book here. Follow them on Twitter here. And explore more on the site here.
This is a tough book to distill into a Note. Most of the book is Kindle-highlighted and so is the hardcover copy I bought for a couple re-reads. (I never do that. This book is that good.)
We’ll take a quick look at some high level ideas and a super quick look at each tool.
I hope that’ll get you fired up to go learn more and make these Tools a part of your life.
Let’s jump in!