“What you sow you reap. Don’t worry about the future and don’t worry about the past. A great thinker once said the past and the future are not even visible. But what is visible? The golden present. Think of the golden present, sow what is necessary, what is right. Sow good thoughts, sow good deeds, and I am sure you will reap good fruits. There is no question about it. What you do comes back to you. What you sow, you reap. So do the right thing in the present, and don’t worry about the future. The people who worry about the future miss the present as well.”
~ Sri Swami Satchidananda from The Golden Present
The Golden Present by Sri Swami Satchidananda.
Alexandra got this book after her yoga teacher kept reading amazing passages from it. It’s AWESOME.
Sri Swami Satchidananda was one of the world’s greatest yoga masters and teachers. This book is organized as a daily inspirational guidebook and it’s packed with 365 wisdom gems. I highly recommend it if you’re feelin’ it! (Amazon it here.)
For now, let’s get our spiritual wisdom on with some of my favorite Big Ideas.
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