That’s from a chapter called “Staying on Track.”
This is where Phil introduces us to the THREE disciplines we need to master.
He tells us: “The first is called structural discipline. It consists of things you do routinely—eat, sleep, exercise, etc. The goal is to live in a constant rhythm. This connects us to higher forces because the universe functions in rhythm. Living each day with an organized structure teaches the ego to submit to something bigger than itself—time. To get out of a lethargic state, the first thing to do is put structure back into daily living.”
That, my dear friend, is worth a reread.
We’re going to come back to this in a moment as we talk about what Phil calls “emotional stamina” that I’ve adapted into what I call “antifragile confidence.”
Phil continues with the second type of discipline that he calls “reactive discipline. It’s the ability to control your reactions to the events that bombard you all day.”
Basic idea here? Victor Frankl captured the essence of reactive discipline brilliantly in Man’s Search for Meaning where he tells us: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Then we have the third discipline that Phil calls “expansive discipline. This refers to action steps you must force yourself to take to expand your life. ... The universe is constantly expanding. To stay connected to its higher forces, we need to keep up with it.”
Expansive discipline is, essentially, the operationalization of the virtue of courage. We MUST be willing to act in the presence of fear. We MUST approach our challenges rather than avoid them. This is a discipline.
The best tool to employ with this? Every single time you feel even a niggle of pain (in the form of anxiety, overwhelm, whatever), say to yourself: “BRING IT ON!”
Quick recap...
The three disciplines are structural discipline, reactive discipline, and expansive discipline.
Quick inventory...
What’s working for you? Keep dominating that. What needs work? Get on that.
Let’s talk about emotional stamina.
Note: This is THE most life-changing idea Phil has ever taught me.
Here’s the origin story.
Once upon a time, in one of our very first coaching sessions, Phil ended by telling me: “You have a lot of emotional stamina—perhaps more than I’ve ever seen.”
To which I thought to myself: “I have no idea what that means but awesome!” (Hah.)
In our next session I asked him what emotional stamina was. Phil told me that emotional stamina is, essentially, your ability to handle life’s inevitable pain, uncertainty, and hard work.
Then I asked him how I could get more of it. He told me (and this has been tattooed on my consciousness since that chat): “If you want to cultivate emotional stamina then you need to be MOST committed to your protocol when you feel the WORST.”
That may not sound like a huge revelation but I literally can’t think of ANYTHING more powerful than TRULY getting (and relentlessly practicing!) this idea. It’s the essence of how we forge antifragile confidence and get as close to being invincible as we can become.
To state the obvious: What do most people do when life hits them hard? They go off the rails and start doing all the things they *know* they SHOULDN’T be doing.
What would happen if, instead, when life hits you hard and you feel overwhelmed and scared and ready to give up, you somehow got yourself to FIERCELY dominate your protocol and do the things you do when you’re at your absolute best?
I’ll tell you what happens if you get just 3-5-10% better at this...
You fundamentally and permanently change your life as you forge antifragile confidence—knowing you have what it takes to respond to whatever life throws at you.
Of course, all that presupposes you HAVE a protocol. (Right?)
Know this: We architected our ENTIRE Heroic app with THIS wisdom in mind—helping you get clarity on who you are at your absolute best to help you craft a protocol you can dominate when you feel your absolute worst.
This is the essence of why our app has been scientifically shown to change lives and why it can help THE MOST ELITE performers go to the next level in their lives while simultaneously helping people who don’t know if they want to live another day re-build a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.
For now... Spotlight on you...
What’s ONE thing you *know* you could START doing that would most positively change your life? And... What’s ONE thing you *know* you could STOP doing that, if you stopped doing it, would most positively change your life?
Here’s to letting adversity be the catalyst for our next level of growth as we move from Theory to Practice to Mastery embodying the wisdom from these lessons for living.
Today’s the day. We’re all in. LET’S GO, HERO!