
20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches
by Dave Ramsey | Howard Books © 2011 · 320 pages

I just love his no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point approach. His words pack a wise punch. We already profiled another one of his great books, The Total Money Makeover, and I’m excited to have some fun taking a quick peek at a few of my favorite Big Ideas from this equally great book: EntreLeadership, where he shares his best “practical business wisdom” he’s learned “from the trenches.” Big Ideas include understanding that you are the problem (and the solution!), the importance of passion and vision, and how it takes about fifteen years to be an overnight success. Good stuff!

“What you are about to read is not a business and leadership book that is theory. This is not a book with formulas based on research. This is a book with principles that were discovered by experience. If you look closely at these pages, you will see they are dotted with lots of blood, gallons of sweat, and many tears. This is the personal playbook of an ultra-successful EntreLeader. You are about to learn from me and my team of leaders what we have learned by DOING IT.”

~ Dave Ramsey from EntreLeadership

Dave Ramsey is awesome.

I just love his no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point approach. His words pack a wise punch.

We already profiled another one of his great books, The Total Money Makeover, and I’m excited to have some fun taking a quick peek at a few of my favorite Big Ideas from this equally great book: EntreLeadership, where he shares his best “practical business wisdom” he’s learned “from the trenches.”

If you run a business, I HIGHLY recommend you read this book. And, if you’re just interested in developing your EntreLeader abilities, I have no doubt you’ll love it as well!

For now, let’s jump right in!

We’ll start by defining “EntreLeadership”:

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About the author


Dave Ramsey

Bestselling author of books about money

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