“The mindset of a champion is not some innate character trait that you have or don’t have based on DNA, fate, or sheer dumb luck. This is good news for all of us. It means that, through deep and meaningful practice, we can all forge and sharpen the mindset of a champion and deploy it to improve everything that is important to us. That’s what this book is about: how you can learn the mindset I’ve used to train champion athletes and apply it to your life. …
It is the story about building the world’s fittest athletes, as told through the 2016 CrossFit Games. But this book is not just for athletes. It’s for anyone who wants to figure out just how good they can possibly become. Whether you’re an entrepreneur trying to break through, or you want to be a better doctor, a better mom, or a better middle school basketball coach, this book is about how you can become the champion of what’s important to you.”
~ Ben Bergeron from Chasing Excellence
I got this book after our CrossFit-ing tech genius Vince recommended it. (Thanks, Vince!)
To put it quite simply: It’s OUTSTANDING.
If you’re into mental toughness, peak performance and all that jazz, this is pretty much a must read in my opinion. Get a copy of the book here. (Find Ben online here.)
If you’ve ever worked out at a CrossFit gym and/or watched the Reebok CrossFit Games, you know that the absolute best CrossFit athletes are absolute beasts.
Well, Ben Bergeron has been the coach behind six world championships.
If you want to get fired up seeing a couple of the fittest humans on the planet in action (who happen to be his athletes), spend a moment checking out this quick video on 3-time champion Mat Fraser and this one on 2-time champion Katrín Davíðsdóttir.
Mat and Katrín were world-class athletes who became the absolute best in the world (aka world champions) after working with Ben. This book is his inspirational, wisdom-packed (!!!) look at how he did it told via the lens of the 2016 Games in which Mat and Katrín BOTH won. (Think about that… He coached BOTH the men’s and the women’s champion. <- That’s amazing.)
My copy of the book is r i d i c u l o u s l y marked up. I’m excited to share a handful of my favorite Big Ideas so let’s jump straight in!
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