The other day, Phil and I were celebrating some Heroic goodness including exciting opportunities on the Social side of things (!) and the fact that over 400 Coaches signed up in the first week (yay!).
Phil said: “You’ve found your niche in the Universe—and that’s a big deal!!!”
We proceeded to chat about some details about all that was going on.
Then he asked me how I’m sleeping. (Hah!)
To which I said, “Well, it’s impossible to ever create systems to guarantee perfect sleep but I’m sleeping great.”
Then I proceeded to tell him that his wisdom on Emotional Stamina REALLY landed.
Recall: The worse we feel, the MORE committed we need to be to our protocol.
I told Phil that I’ve used that mantra-wisdom to iron out a lot of the remaining “I’m up!”/”I’m down!” (hah) wrinkles to create an even more robust sense of emotional stamina in my life.
I mean, when you ACTUALLY follow that whole “The worse you feel the more committed you are to your protocol!” it’s really hard to have a truly terrible day let alone consecutive/multiple bad days. (Of course, it’s not EASY to do what you know you need to do when you’re not feeling like it (at all) but that’s the whole point.)
But… That’s not the point of this +1.
This is…
As a guy who used to be very up and then very down, I’ve learned to discipline myself on the UPS as well as on the downs.
So, I’ve also instituted THIS wisdom-mantra: The BETTER I feel, the MORE committed I need to be to my protocol.
On fire with a launch of something as exciting as Heroic Coach?!
Well, I BETTER be honoring my basic fundamentals!!!!
Digital Sunset? YEP. There’s NO WAY I’m staying up late and frying my brain with even more energy. I KNOW I’ll wake up tired and burn myself out. So, I work the protocol. Shut down complete (at 4:30 or 5:00pm for me these days). #done. See ya tomorrow. Just another day.
Then, after I wake up do I skip meditation and hop online to check out the stats and see how we’re doing with everything before I do Deep Work? OF COURSE NOT. That would be insane.
The BETTER I feel, the MORE committed I need to be to my protocol.
I meditate. Get to Deep Work. Let the algorithms run. Hammer time. Just another day.
THAT’s how we make the highs (sustainably!) higher and the lows higher without going off the rails in either direction.
Today’s +1.
Emotional Stamina. Two parts.
“The worse you feel the more committed you are to your protocol!”
“The BETTER you feel, the MORE committed you are to your protocol.”
All of which, of course, begs the question: What’s your protocol?
What keystone algorithms run when you’re at your best?
Get clear. Execute. Repeat.
All day. Every day.
ESPECIALLY when you’re particularly down OR up!! 🙂
(btw: Helping people get SUPER clear on what their protocols look like (and helping others do the same) is a KEY part of our Heroic Coach program. There’s still a little more time to join us for our inaugural class if you’re feeling it!)
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