Continuing our theme of how to become Antifragile Heroes, let’s look at another way to rock it.
A couple +1s ago we talked about “Approach vs. Avoidance.” As we discussed, science says that the healthiest among us APPROACH rather than AVOID their challenges.
Here’s another way to look at that concept.
In my very first coaching session with Phil Stutz he taught me that Speed Is a Force. You may recall the fact that our confidence erodes the longer we wait between clarity on the next optimal step and the time that passes before we actually TAKE that next step.
The solution? Close the gap between conception and action. Do it now!
Phil told me that one of the best ways to CREATE that Speed is to “eat death cookies.”
“Death cookies”?
Yah. Death cookies.
Short story: Phil tells us that we’re all afraid to die. We’re afraid of the big jumbo-end-of-life kinda death AND we’re also afraid of the micro-moments in which we fear our little ego might get killed.
But here’s the deal. Those little moments of fear are THE source of all our potential power. If we consistently avoid them, we won’t grow. If we consistently APPROACH them, our growth will explode.
Those little micro-moments of fear? They’re death cookies. Each little death cookie you eat makes you stronger. In fact, Phil tells us that the cookie with the most fear is the one that is the most valuable. We just need to discipline ourselves to eat it. (Which is, of course, easier said than done!)
So, Today’s +1.
What’s freaking you out a bit? What’s something you know would be a wise thing to do but you’re having a hard time getting yourself to do it?
Remember that your infinite potential exists on the other side of that discomfort. And, now you know that death cookies are your fuel for the journey.
So, go feast!
Nom nom nom.
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