Related to our magical doubling penny and its demonstration of the power of compounding growth, we have clock time vs. horticultural time.
Short story here: When you plant a seed, do you start your stopwatch and then go into your backyard an hour later to dig it up to see how it’s doing? Or, do you know it takes some time for that seed to germinate and then sprout and then grow and finally to reach its fruit-bearing stage?
Right. Of course you honor the rules of horticultural time and give that little seed the time it needs to naturally move through its required stages of development.
Well, newsflash: Our Optimizing occurs on HORTICULTURAL time, not clock time.
Epictetus comes to mind: “No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.”
Let’s put our stopwatches away and focus on giving our seeds the right conditions to grow.
+1. +1. +1.
(And… Let’s remember to enjoy the perfection of each phase of our journey!)
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