The Mental Game

Winning the War Within Your Mind
by Darrin Donnelly | Shamrock New Media, Inc. © 2023 · 260 pages

This is the seventh book in Darrin Donnelly’s Sports for the Soul series. We’ve covered all of them so far. As I said in the previous Notes, I basically read the first six books in a single week. They are all AWESOME. In addition to brilliantly integrating ancient wisdom, modern science and practical tools in a grounded yet inspiring way, Donnelly has a gift for weaving that wisdom into a great sports story—which is why I’m such a big fan and highly recommend the books for you and your sports-loving friends and family and colleagues. This book features a professional golfer who is struggling to make it on the PGA Tour. He has the opportunity to spend time with one of the greatest golfers of the era who gives him some life-changing wisdom. It’s FANTASTIC. Super inspiring, quick-reading. Pure gold. Get a copy here. As you’d expect, the book is packed with Big Ideas. As always, I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!

The mental game is what separates a Tour player from an amateur, and what separates consistent winners from the greats.
Tiger Woods
Your mind is the most powerful weapon you have and your self-image serves as its guide. Change your self-image and you will change your life. That’s one of the most important truths you will ever learn.
Darrin Donnelly

“To be clear, this is not a book about golf. It is set in the world of golf, the main character is a professional golfer, and the story plays out during a season on the PGA Tour. But the book is not about golf.

This book is about the mental game we all must play on a daily basis—regardless of our chosen profession. It’s about the inner war that takes place within our minds and how to win that war. …

There’s a war going on within your mind. It’s a battle between the positive and the negative.

There’s a voice that tells you why you can achieve something and a voice that tells you why you can’t. A voice that tells you to be grateful, happy, and optimistic; and a voice that tells you to be worried, stressed, and cynical. A voice that builds up your self-image and a voice that tears it down. A voice that tells you to keep going and a voice that tells you to quit.

The voice you feed the most will determine the direction of your life. You can’t passively allow this inner war to play out however it wishes. You must take an active role in determining which side wins.

This book will show you how to take charge of the war within your mind and make sure the positive side is winning. Once you start winning the war in your mind, you will start winning the game of life.”

~ Darrin Donnelly from The Mental Game

This is the seventh book in Darrin Donnelly’s Sports for the Soul series.

We’ve covered all of them so far. As I said in the previous Notes, I basically read the first six books in a single week. They are all AWESOME.

In addition to brilliantly integrating ancient wisdom, modern science and practical tools in a grounded yet inspiring way, Donnelly has a gift for weaving that wisdom into a great sports story—which is why I’m such a big fan and highly recommend the books for you and your sports-loving friends and family and colleagues. Here’s the quick recap of the prior books in the series:

Think Like a Warrior features a struggling college football coach who magically meets five legendary coaches who each give him ONE powerful idea. Old School Grit features an NCAA basketball coach at the end of his career writing letters to his grandchildren on how to live a great life. Relentless Optimism features a minor league baseball player who meets a brilliant manager who helps him break through to fulfill his dreams. Victory Favors the Fearless features a boxer who goes from down and out to heavyweight champion after he meets the perfect mentor who teaches him how to conquer the seven fears that hold us back. Life to the Fullest features a high school coach who questions the decisions he made in life and gets wisdom from his dad on the power of following your heart and trusting your unique path. The Turnaround features a fourth-string quarterback on the worst college football team in the conference whose life changes the day he meets his new head coach who turns the program around by helping him and his teammates forge unstoppable confidence.

This book features a professional golfer who is struggling to make it on the PGA Tour. He has the opportunity to spend time with one of the greatest golfers of the era who gives him some life-changing wisdom.

It’s FANTASTIC. Super inspiring, quick-reading. Pure gold. Get a copy here.

As you’d expect, the book is packed with Big Ideas. As always, I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!

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About the author


Darrin Donnelly

Bestselling author of the SPORTS FOR THE SOUL series of books.

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