“When people think of prosperity, they often think of financial wealth, material items, and acquiring the latest gadget or toy that’s currently trending. However, true prosperity is a spiritual principle governed by the spiritual laws that imbue your very lives. It is a state of mind and heart, an awareness, and an absolute knowing that we live and breathe in a field of infinite possibilities that meets all of our needs each and every time. That we are all endowed with the spiritual, mental, emotional, and material means to share our unique gifts and talents in the world to the degree that we are open to the perpetual flow of good that surrounds us. We come to learn that with everything we’ve been taught around scarcity, lack, and not enough-ness, that we must struggle, fight, manipulate, and compete with each other just to get our sliver of this ever-decreasing finite pie, is simply not true. Prosperity is, in truth, who and what we are.
Just like the air we breathe yet can’t see, and the law of gravity which we experience but whose mechanisms we can’t see, the universal laws that govern all life, including prosperity, operate in the same way. However, unlike oxygen and gravity which operates in spite of what we may believe, our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, conditioned by what we’ve been taught, actually determines how prosperity flows to us.
As the saying goes, ‘God doesn’t provide the vision without the provision.’ Those familiar with my teachings know that God is not some anthropomorphic being in the sky, but it’s an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent ineffable field that permeates our very being. It’s a presence that is never an absence. As we come to grasp and grok that understanding as a way of living and being, life opens up for us in miraculous ways.”
~ Michael B. Beckwith from Prosperity, Plenitude & Infinite Possibilities
This is the second Note we’ve done on one of Michael Beckwith’s books.
Our first Note is on his great book Spiritual Liberation. I got this little booklet in a very big box of books the team sent me (thanks, Jana!) based on recommendations from our community.
I’m a big fan of Michael Beckwith. In fact, Alexandra and I used to go to his Agape Spiritual Center in Santa Monica shortly after we got together 15+ years ago. (Note: I bought Walter Russell’s The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe in his bookstore forever ago!)
And, before I started listening to The Score on repeat, many years ago I used to listen to Beckwith’s TranscenDance album. (I can still hear him and his preacher-lyrics in my head as I type this and as I read this book. :)
I recently worked on a bunch of Notes on Yogananda’s books. Beckwith reminds me of him.
He also reminds me of the old-school New Thought leaders whose torches he carries in his own unique way—including Ernest Holmes who founded the Science of Mind churches into which Beckwith was originally ordained. And, of course, any book on the spirituality of prosperity makes me think of Eric Butterworth and his Spiritual Economics (and Discover the Power Within You).
This is a TINY little booklet that is based on the live transcript of a class Beckwith taught and “is designed as a prayer, reference, practice and activation manual.” I hesitated to do a Note on it. But... It’s packed with Big Ideas that will provide a great springboard for us to connect to wisdom from other Notes I’ve created over the years so here we are. LET’S GO!
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