#1954 Your Kids Sick All the Time?

PARENTS! Know This…

In our last several +1s, we’ve been spending some time with Dr. Casey Means and Dr. Robert Lustig.

In our next +1, we’re going to chat about Dr. Lustig’s #1 tip to create and boost your mitochondria. (Can you guess what it is?)

For now….

I want to invite Dr. Means back to the party so she can give the PARENTS in the house some powerful wisdom.

Let’s get to work.

In Good Energy, Casey tells us: “Many friends who are parents have complained of having to take off work to take their kids to the doctor for recurrent throat, ear, and viral upper respiratory tract infections.”

Quick check in…

That sound like YOU?

Casey continues by saying: “Few, if any, understood that the way their kids’ bodies were producing energy had a significant impact on the propensity for illnesses given that just like the function of any other cell type, immune cell function is regulated by how well they can make and utilize energy.”

And, she tells us: “Kids with metabolic dysfunction are at a significantly higher risk for infections—such as strep throat and ear infections—than kids without metabolic dysfunction or who are at a healthy weight.”

I repeat…

If your kids are getting sick all the time and you’re bringing them to the doctor to deal with “recurrent throat, ear, and viral upper respiratory tract infections” we need to address those issues at the ROOT-CAUSE level.

We need to get their mitochondria optimized!


Wonder what might be driving issues for both the parents AND the kids?

How about this: “Ultra-processed foods make up 60 percent of calories consumed by adults and 67 percent consumed by children and they drive Bad Energy diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, dementia, type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance.”

Which begs the question…

What percent of YOUR and YOUR KIDS’ (and YOUR TEAM’S!) calories are coming from ultra-processed foods?


The more important question…

What’s ONE thing you can do to optimize that TODAY?

Get on that.

It’s time to raise the next generation of Energized Heroes!!!


P.S. At the risk of being a prig (thinking of this +1 as I type that! 😆), Alexandra and I have never taken Emerson (who’s 12) or Eleanor (who’s 7) to the doctor for a sickness and neither one of them has ever taken a single antibiotic.

We obviously dominate all the fundies we’re always talking about with them (eating! moving! sleeping!) but I think the #1 reason for this is the fact that they eat almost NO (!) ultra-processed food.

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