#30 Sharpening the Saw

/Building a Chainsaw

Stephen Covey‘s seventh habit of Highly Effective People is “Sharpen the Saw.”

He tells us about the importance of renewal if we want to stay at our best and shares this parable to bring the point home:

Imagine walking into a forest. You see a guy sawing a tree. He’s working and working and working but not getting very far. His blade is clearly dull.

So, you suggest he step back and sharpen the saw a bit.

He says that’s simply not possible. He’s way too busy to slow down to sharpen anything.

Hmmmm… Really? But with a sharp blade you’d hammer right through that tree!


Which guy are you?


What’s one tiny little easy thing you could start doing (today!!) that would help you build a chainsaw?

Let’s do that!!

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