#295 Newton's First Law: Fine Print

Eliminate Distractions to Stay in Motion


In our last +1 we talked about Isaac Newton and his First Law of Motion. Recall the basics: An object at rest will stay at rest. An object in motion will stay in motion.

Today I’d like to look at the fine print of that Law.

Let’s dust it off and read the whole thing again.

*unfurls parchment*

“An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by some outside force.”

Oh! We missed the last part in our last +1.

“… an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by some outside force.”

So, for example, if I start doing some Deep Living (whether that’s Working or Connecting), I’ll keep on doing some Deep Living UNLESS I’m “acted upon by some outside force.”

What outside force could possibly act upon me?


Maybe a push notification? Or an email alert? Or simply having your smartphone in sight? (Hah.)

This is why, if we really want to take advantage of the power of Newton’s First Law, we need to put ourselves in a Deep Living bubble, remove all the potential “outside forces” that’ll kill our momentum, and go Deep!

Today’s +1. Make Newton proud. Let’s create some distraction-free momentum.