While we’re chatting about the science of hope, let’s focus on a key leadership stat.
First, imagine yourself as a leader.
(Which, of course, you are.)
See yourself in the various contexts in which you lead—from your role at work and in your family to your relationships with your friends and your most important relationship: with yourself.
The fact is, in any given moment throughout your day, you ALWAYS have the potential to lead.
Here’s the deal.
Your effectiveness as a leader will A L W A Y S be driven by your ability to do one very important thing: Inspire hope.
Remember: Hope is simple. It’s the belief that our future will be better than our present. Its opposite, hopelessness, it’s when we don’t believe our future will be better than our present.
So, pop quiz: If you’re a leader who DOESN’T inspire hope, what percentage of the people you’re leading do you think will be engaged in whatever it is you’re trying to get them to do?
What would you guess?
How about ONE PERCENT?!
That’s it. 1%.
No hope? No engagement.
On the other hand, imagine you’ve done a great job of inspiring hope. You and your team/family/self believe the future will be better than the present.
Now what percentage do you think will be engaged?
1% vs. 69%
Hope matters. A lot.
Today’s +1: How will your future be better than your present? Count the ways then go share them with your crew and bring that vision to life as the powerful leader you are!!
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