#1961 Heroic Rome 2025

Heroes Unite!

In our last +1, we chatted about that 10-hour flight from Rome to New York that Marcus Aurelius couldn’t have even IMAGINED, let alone experienced.

Think about that for a moment.

Every single day, we get to experience countless miracles that even an EMPEROR (!) couldn’t have dreamt of a couple thousand (or even a couple hundreds!) of years ago.

That plane ride? That car drive? That supercomputer in your pocket?

While sitting in traffic or experiencing a split-second lag on the internet today 😉, let’s take a deep breath and appreciate the near-infinite number of modern miracles we can so easily take for granted.


That could be Today’s +1.


We’ll spend a little more time together. 🤓


After typing that last +1 while sitting in a chair approximately 30,000 (!!!) feet in the air (!!!), I made a post to Heroic.

Note: Another miracle!!

I said: “I’m typing this in a chair approximately 30,000 feet in the air. Just thinking about that makes my head explode. 😳 🤯

As we made our way from Athens to Rome, my soul smiled and I waved. 👋

Me and my daimon: ‘See you in 2025!’ 🤓

Note: Mark your calendar: First week or so in November 2025, we’re planning to repeat the Athens experience in Rome. Join us!!”


We’ll make THAT conclude Today’s +1.

Want to join us in Rome in 2025?!?

I’d love to see you there as well!!

It’s hard to put into words how powerful it was to spend time with a couple hundred Heroes in the sacred land of Athens.

I have no doubt Rome is going to be just as Heroic special.

Whether making the trip to Rome is a possibility for you or not…

Let’s appreciate all the modern miracles we can so easily take for granted!

All day…

Every day…



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