A couple +1s ago, I mentioned the fact that I worked about 13+ hours the day before and didn’t shut down until 8:00pm (which is late for me) so I expected to see some “Paying the Price” data but I was pleasantly surprised to see some “Bubble Wrap” data.
I was a 90 Readiness and a 90 Sleep score.

The Readiness thing said: “Optimal Readiness Level! Your HRV balance is at an optimal level! This signals that you’ve given your body and mind some quality recovery time. How’s your energy today — do you feel focused and sharp?”
That’s interesting because I am working very (!) hard right now—deliberately finding the edge between “Out in the Wild” and “Paying the Price.”
I KNOW that in moments like these, I need to make sure I’m playing the margins of my protocol as well as I can.
It’s an extension of the Antifragile Confidence/Emotional Stamina algorithm.
When we feel like 💩, we need to remember: “The worse I feel, the more committed I am to my protocol!”
When we REALLY want to absolutely go next level and do the best, most creating impactful work of our lives (the standard Michael and Alexandra and the team are aiming at 🎯!), we need to remember: “The bigger the creative challenge/opportunity, the more committed I need to be to my protocol!”
For me…
Right now that doesn’t mean I’m dominating my Bubble Wrap protocol.
That would be insanely foolish and un-Heroic.
It means I’m finding the edge and seeing just how hard I can push myself WHILE training my recovery and controlling those controllables.
In my case, as I deliberately pushed past my normal shutdown complete and digital sunset protocols, I went next level on my NUTRITION protocol.
For me, that means being 101% carnivore and having my last meal 5 hours before bed.
That’s what ALWAYS drives my RHR down (in a good way) and drives my HRV up (in a VERY good way).
While working 13 hours a day and pushing myself as hard as ever, I’m ALSO rocking an HRV (53) that’s significantly greater than my RHR (44)—a sign of VERY good (ELITE?!) recovery.
That’s Today’s +1.
How do you find that edge where you’re pushing as hard as you can WHILE making sure you’re training your recovery to make sure you can show up with that intensity consistently?!
Get clarity on that.
Dominate it.
All day.
Every day.
P.S. Yes. We will help you CRUSH this with Heroic Elite. Learn more, sign up, join us!! Heroic.us/elite
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