Continuing our brief trip through Marie Forleo’s brilliant brain and equally wise book Everything Is Figureoutable, let’s redefine one more f-word.
We started with Can’t vs. Won’t. Then we moved on to upgrading fear to FEAR by “Facing Everything And Rising.”
Today we’re going to talk about the word: “fail.”
Marie tells us: “When I look back on this breathtaking, heartbreaking adventure called life, I legitimately don’t see failures. Every painful misstep I’ve made has been a stepping-stone to a better me.”
Plus: “Failure as a concept is incredibly shortsighted. It’s like watching a movie and stopping in the middle because the characters hit conflict.”
And, to the alchemy: “Think about the word ‘FAIL’ like this: it’s a faithful attempt in learning. That’s it. A faithful attempt in learning. It’s nothing to fear and nothing to avoid. From this perspective, failure is not a glitch in your figureoutable journey, it’s a must-have feature. As cliché as it sounds, you can only truly fail if you stop learning and growing.”
Let’s upgrade it and give it some all caps love: FAIL!
All those little (and big!) mis-takes? Those are simply “Faithful Attempts In Learning.”
That’s Today’s +1.
If you feel so inspired, think of a recent mis-take-“failure.”
Let go of any potential shame and all that. Let’s mine that experience for all it’s worth.
Let’s sprinkle some growth-mindset magic dust on it as we ask ourselves: What did we learn?!
Here’s to a LIFETIME of faithful attempts in learning.
+1. +1. +1.
P.S. Remember: As Ralph Waldo Emerson so wisely advised us: “All life is an experiment. The more the better.”
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