In our last couple +1s, we talked about the art and science of lining up our dominoes in one neat and shiny staircase to moon-heaven. 🚶 🌝
It all sounds so nice and easy when it’s mapped out like that, eh? (Hah.)
Alas, there are a few important asterisks to that little story.
As important as it is to have clarity on what’s important and worthy of our life force, nothing is ever quite that straightforward in real heroic living.
And, of course, it’s impossible to line up ALL the dominoes and see them perfectly arrayed before you actually start the journey.
That’s Today’s +1.
Embrace the mess.
It’s a feature of the Hero’s Journey, not a sign that something’s wrong with you and your approach per se. 🤓
And, remember: The greater the challenge, the greater the need for a protocol to keep our emotional stamina Optimized.
That is all.
Here’s to joyfully embracing the wonderfully messy process of Optimizing and actualizing. Especially when you don’t feel like it. (Hah!)
High fives from me and my daimon to you and yours!
P.S. Let’s do this!!
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