#158 Deep Love Time Blocks

When’s Your Next Time Block?

We’ve talked a ton about Deep Work and going Deep in general.

But let’s get more specific and make sure we’re prioritizing not just our Deep Work time blocks but also our Deep LOVE time blocks.

Let’s start by whipping out your evolving Masterpiece Day template.

If you could wave a wand and create your ideal day, what would it look like?

Revisit your Big 3: Energy + Family + Service. What’s the #1 daily habit for each of those areas of your life? Have you scheduled those into your day?

Remember: You have your AM and PM bookends—those parts of your day over which you likely have the most control. To the extent you can, drop your #1s into the earliest part of the day!


For Today’s +1, let’s focus on making sure Deep LOVE time blocks are dropped in there every.single.day.

For me, the most consistent spot is my PM bookend. After a “Shut-down complete!” (usually around 5 or 5:30) with the technology going off, I’m all in on family time.

Now, if I want to go DEEP into that Love time block, what do I need to do?

I need to turn off all distractions and truly be there. So, of course, the #1 thing to go is my phone—gotta reduce the iPhone Effect!!

How about you?

When’s YOUR next Deep Love time block?

Eliminate distractions. Go Deep.

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