#1102 Blueprinting

How’s Yours Going?

In our last +1, we talked about how to make a 24-piece puzzle super hard: Have no idea what the end state looks like! (Hah!)

We connected that to Stephen Covey’s 2nd Habit of Highly Effective People: Beginning with the End in Mind.

He told us that “all things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.

Today we’re going to spend another moment on the same theme.

We’ll invite Robin Sharma to the party to share his thoughts.

In his great little fable The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, he tells us: “All I’m saying is that to liberate the potential of your mind, body and soul, you must first expand your imagination. You see, things are always created twice: first in the workshop of the mind and then, and only then, in reality. I call this process ‘blueprinting’ because anything you create in your outer world began as a simple blueprint in your inner world.


I like it.

That’s Today’s +1.

What do you want to create in your life?

You got a clear blueprint? You taking action to make it a reality?

Let’s take a moment to add a little more clarity on the vision AND let’s take a moment to add a little more action to its actualization.


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