#580 Average vs. Elite

How to Practice: Right vs. Wrong

In our last +1, we talked about Zen in the Art of Spartan Spear Throwing and the recent installation of a spear throw setup in our backyard, complete with bails of hay, etc. (Yes, we’re ALL IN at the Johnson house.)

How about YOU? Do you have a deep commitment to mastery in your life?

Remember: Even the most mundane practices can be a portal into enlightenOptimizement.


I’m in my backyard throwing my spear and thinking about Steven Pressfield’s wisdom. As I had fun walking back and forth covering the 30 feet between the hay bales and my starting point, I was also thinking about some Lanny and Troy Bassham wisdom.

As we’ve discussed, Lanny wrote a book called With Winning in Mind. Troy wrote a book called Attainment. We briefly talked about some of their wisdom on how average vs. elite performers practice in our +1 on why Buddha kept on meditating after his enlightenment.

Short story: Lanny and Troy tell us that AVERAGE performers practice something until they can get it right. ELITE performers, on the other hand, practice until they CAN’T GET IT WRONG.

That’s how to roll.

And that’s worth a repeat: AVERAGE performers practice something until they can get it right. ELITE performers, on the other hand, practice until they CAN’T GET IT WRONG.

So… Today’s +1.

How are YOU approaching your life and the most salient aspects of it?

Trying to get it right? Or working so hard you can’t get it wrong?

Let’s avoid the “Meh, I’m good enough” zone of competence as we chase excellence.

Let’s go from average to elite to our optimus best.

Then let’s keep going.

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