In July 2006 Will Bowen offered a simple idea for people to monitor their success at eradicating complaining from their lives. His idea exploded around the world and nearly 10 million purple Complaint Free bracelets have been sent to people in more than 106 countries.Bowen has been featured on Oprah, NBC’s The Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, The ABC Evening News, Fox News Channel and in hundreds of TV and radio interviews around the world. Stories about him and the movement he created have been written about in over 200 newspapers, “People” magazine, “O” magazine, “Self” magazine and Chicken Soup for the Soul. His first book, “A Complaint Free World,” published in October, 2007 by Doubleday, is an international bestseller . The book has been published in more 14 foreign countries to date and is an audio book, read by Bowen, published by Random House Audio. His second book, “Complaint Free Relationships” was published December 2009 by Doubleday.

Will Bowen
A catalyst for positive transformation.