Tana Amen, BSN, RN. helps people realize that they are not stuck with the brain and body they have by empowering them with simple strategies that will transform them into WARRIORS for their health. Tana is the executive vice president of the Amen Clinics, the NY Times bestselling author of “The Omni Diet”, highly respected health and fitness expert, and a nationally renowned speaker, and media guest.
She and her husband, Dr. Daniel Amen work side by side and are creating an army of people dedicated to transforming the health of their brains and bodies using the tips and strategies they’ve created called “The Brain Warrior’s Way”.
Tana is the author of 6 highly successful books, including: The Brain Warrior’s Way Cookbook, The Omni Diet, Healing ADD through Food, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body Cookbook, Get Healthy with the Brain Doctor’s Wife, Eat Healthy with the Brain Doctor’s Wife and Live Longer with the Brain Doctor’s Wife.