A renowned expert on how exceptional leaders and teams liberate untapped capacities and excel under pressure, Robert K. Cooper has done pioneering work on innovation, the practical application of emotional intelligence and the neuroscience of leadership. Robert’s articles have been widely published, and his books have sold over four million copies. In his book Get Out of Your Own Way: Five Keys to Exceeding Everyone’s Expectations, Robert offers a completely new method for excelling while reducing your daily workload that is based in timeless wisdom and the latest neuroscience. With a little help, your brain is capable of changing unproductive habits into positive ones that will move you toward what you want, beyond what anyone thought you could accomplish, getting remarkable results with remarkable ease. Get Out of Your Own Way teaches you how to seize moments of opportunity to reach your full potential and live the life you want by teaching you to choose what really matters.

Robert K. Cooper
Better results through science and strategy.